Eli's Nana left after staying with us for 3 weeks. and what a 3 weeks it was (Ike). Eli started swim classes and we have been going to Ellen and Amy's houses often for assistance with Babies A-F... (Ellen has quintuplets and Amy, her sister, is pregnant and on bedrest).
Eli has learned quite a bit... his new nanny started and has already taught him to clap. He is "army crawling" and getting everywhere he needs to go... it ain't pretty but he gets the job done.
We kidnapped Ellen from her busy baby schedule to go to Aiden's (Amy's son) birthday party and Eli got to "hang" with his "guy" friends.. very interesting.

Eli has also learned a new trick...

Eli started swim classes and he is enjoying every minute... I think we have the next Michael Phelps... (doesn't everyone?) Well, I think it's a great possibility.
Eli had his 9 month well baby check up today... he weighs 18 lb 4 oz and is 27 3/4 inches long. Time is simply FLYING by and he is getting bigger!!! I know I was warned about the time warp but, wow!
Here's some random shots from the last few weeks...