In keeping with the spirit of Trains... Eli's Halloween costume was a train conductor... oddly he did not want to be Thomas (and thankfully). This is the first year he enjoyed Halloween, anticipated its arrival and participated in all our goofy family activities. After a week of practicing saying "Trick or Treat" he prompty went to the first house and annnounced... "Can I have Candy?"... Then the second house he went to he asked the owner where she had gotten her ceramic pumpkin.. Her response "I can't remember, I think Target". His response.. " I love Target!" (where he gets most of his trains, of course). And the last house had a small decorative spider to which he responded by singing (loudly) "Itsy Bitsy Spider". On any account, was a blast and cannot wait until next year!!!
Lil Conductor

At the "Punkin Patch"

Too Cute


Helping out

Me and him...