This, of course, is the word "train" out of the mouth of Eli... I cannot believe just how much he loves trains. It started with a simple Thomas the Train oval wooden track with a wooden engine. It has evolved to a mass transit system in our gameroom that involves hills, battery operated engines (thanks pap), water towers and even a San Francisco trolley! From the moment he gets up in the morning, until bedtime it is "tain, on" "tain, off" "tain, Tain TAAIINNN!". I now usually have to make him say "night night, tain" just to get him to leave them for the evening just so it can all repeat the next day. A very sweet patient of mine has a daughter that needed to get rid of her son's train table and we apparently needed to get a train table so it was a win-win!

Being that he LOVES the train world, we thought it would be a fabulous idea to take him (in the 4000 degree heat) to Zube Park. Zube Park has a train society there for people who build miniature trains to run them on tracks and they allow the public every so often to ride them too. From the moment Eli saw the Thomas the Train tablecloth he was in.... and boy did he love the engines. Our friend, Nicole, brought her son, Cade, and everyone had a blast!!

This is him screaming "Tain!"

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